Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Simplifying an emotion
that holds thousand of characters,
as the stars glows far in the black sky,
stumble faith that wraps around my legs,
making it difficult to see on such dim light,

Never the less i provoke insecurities
on master minds,
Beauty is against 
loyalty for which i stand,
I have been crucified million
years ago,
when i was queen of the empire,
and so rules was the catch of all kinds of law
that i man had created,

Never was love the cause of death,
Never was inspiration of a true woman beauty
that enlighten the room as is expressed in the room,
for what man justified it is a distraction,
to continue to dominate this world,

and so this queen was weak,
to emotions,
to elections
as she picked bodies that has the potential.
not by the potential of know someone in high society,
for honesty that she sense,
she chose always an honest man,
that will hold down his ground,
that will please her for what
her needs are,

In selfish thoughts a poor man
dies every day,
is that ambition of dealing for such addiction,
of craving, for nothing but an empty
harmful faith that filled him enough
to satisfied such urges,

Urges are like sponges that absorb all kind
of negativity, feeding the heart of empty words
that settles for nothing that is worth 
dying for,
when nothing you have
just the thoughts,
just the intentions,
is almost like is good enough
reason why to jump right on it,

Daily we choose,
Daily we accept,
Daily we stress,
things that don't matter,
more is too much,
less is not enough,
so under such desperation's
we find a deadly cure that
that pace,
that accepts every fault there is
that wont admit,

adn so in the sound of the violin,
she was born,
the sound of violin she die,
her words was stronger then
what a man can handle.... 

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