Thursday, September 19, 2013

Life is what you make of it....

lack of motivation,
never the less all excuses made
to not do and so forth,

Everyday is a lie,
lack of acknowledging
the truth for who i really am,
the bad was past,
and so i grew out of all
that venom,
that used to consume me on a daily basis,

Is not a question,
is an answer,
is not rudeness,
is honesty,
is not pity,
is understanding,
is not insensitive,
is the naked truth
of what life is all about,

I stumble very clumsy,
and so i was named,
perhaps i was judged,
the talent was hiding
behind all those criticism,
that attacked me 
even when i sleep,

Quietly i sit and listen,
so much wisdom i had accomplished,
not only because ages of ages i have aged,
but rough feet that sanding them
don't seem to get smoother,

Life is what you make of it,
is not only understanding,
is believing it,
and so is as easy said then done,
but so the road we daily go down,
is un-predictable,

Perhaps a daily prayer
to guide us,
because with faith
we won't stumble,
and it may be so pathetic,
but more pathetic is those daily
constant bad decision that make you
sound like a broken record,
with that word sorry
that you made it have no value,

I may not have many friends,
because i am real,
and so my thoughts,
and so my writing,
and so many words that may come
out of my mouth,

Yes!! with rough edges
but sincere intentions
that want the world to know,
i was born to make history,
with only but the truth,
with a thirst of knowledge,
to become a better person within me..


  1. This is a heartfelt piece.
    I'm happy to find poetry that's original.
    Thanks for sharing!
    These lines resonte with me, as well.
    Also, if you have the time, please check out some of my poetry in the blog section at

  2. Life, or what we call life, can be hard, but we must be determined and who we really are, and your poem tells it well.
