Feast off my anger,
as you touch me,
ease some pain,
the room move so fast,
as loud noises are made by my body
going against the wall,
and he slows down to kiss me slowly,
is all about remembering what he taste like,
as his hands have control of the whole situation,
is not about love is about pleasure for the rush hour
before is all gone and done and over with,
at the end he cherish her presences,
for she has gave him what he wanted,
and so between his teeth he has this harsh past,
bitter to taste,
harsh to listen,
difficult to accept,
so silence must we have,
as she arrive and give him the pleasure he expect,
in distance day by day he express such mystery,
and so in little time can't expect to let loose.
still yet those demons of his i can feel,
when he touches me,
when he looks at me,
when he kisses me,
and so is rare,
for is not my comfort zone,
and so i question what there is to question,
how long can we keep this?
how long would he wanted to last?
how meaningful he want this to be?
and so i sit still as i wait,
with no clue what is next,
and so is like following the wave of a windy day.
and going with it..